Welcome to Lines, Dots, and Doodles. This is the place for students, parents, and teachers to find out what has been going on in my art class. I have included pictures of my student's artwork and basic explanations of the projects. I hope when you leave this blog, you feel inspired to create. Feel free to browse this blog and borrow any of my art lessons.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Playground, 1st Grade

I did this project with my first graders a few weeks ago. I found this lesson on someone's blog not long ago, but I really can't remember which one. So, if this is your lesson, let me know, I would love to give you credit for it. Basically, this lesson is about playgrounds. We began by discussing playgrounds, and I asked students to describe their favorite playground. I then had the students compile a list of the things that might be on a playground. Our list included things like: slides, monkey bars, tree houses, swings, etc.
To begin this project, I had the students use oil pastels to draw a horizon line, a sun, and clouds. Then we used watercolors to paint the sky and the ground. Once this was done, the fun began. I asked the students to design the coolest playground that they could think of. Their playgrounds had to be made of shapes; such as squares, rectangles, circles, etc. These shapes were cut out of construction paper and pieced together on their painting.
I just think these are adorable!

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