Welcome to Lines, Dots, and Doodles. This is the place for students, parents, and teachers to find out what has been going on in my art class. I have included pictures of my student's artwork and basic explanations of the projects. I hope when you leave this blog, you feel inspired to create. Feel free to browse this blog and borrow any of my art lessons.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Native American Patterns. 5th grade

Sorry, these photos are a little fuzzy, but I think you get the jist. Basically, we talked about Native American Patterns and I especially focused on their bead work. I took a blank grid and had students create their own simple patterns that could be repeated over and over.
Some students love this, but some do not. It takes a lot of thought and planning. It's great for students with more mathematical minds though. It is extremely important that students color neatly inside the grid. (I photocopied the grid from a Native American beading book I own.)

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