Welcome to Lines, Dots, and Doodles. This is the place for students, parents, and teachers to find out what has been going on in my art class. I have included pictures of my student's artwork and basic explanations of the projects. I hope when you leave this blog, you feel inspired to create. Feel free to browse this blog and borrow any of my art lessons.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mini Clay Masks, 4th Grade

 I found the idea for this lesson on, http://www.johnpost.us/clay-lessons/clay-mask/clay-masks.html. He has a lot of really great clay ideas on his website. 
 To begin, I made plaster molds out of apple containers.  Using a slab of clay, students used these plaster molds to form the mask. Then, students added details to their mask.  Some students made animals, some made monsters, and some made aliens. 
Lastly, students glazed their artwork. 
These are wonderful! and the students are very proud of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous! Impressed you made your own molds. I'm a big fan of John Post as well.
