Sunday, August 18, 2013

New School Year

The school year begins tomorrow, and my room is ready for the kids.  I am quite excited for the beginning of the school year because I am no longer a traveling art teacher.  Previously, I taught at three schools, and had almost 2,000 students.  This year, my principal decided he wanted a full time art teacher, so he used his school budget to buy out my position.  I am so excited to be stationed in one school and to see my students more regularly.  This year, I will see each class once a week for 35 minutes.  I have 28 classes and about 850 students.
 Looking forward to starting a new school year tomorrow, and hopefully there will be many new posts to come.


  1. Congrats on being in one place! Your room looks great! Have a great year! :)

  2. Congratulations on getting your own room! I love your space!

  3. Wow isn't wonderful that you can go to one building now! Congratulations. I have a similar size school K-5. A big benefit is getting to know your students better.
    But you will need to do one thing- change your blogger profile! :) I noticed it still says you teach at three schools. lol
    Enjoy your year.
