Monday, July 29, 2013


It's been months since I have posted anything.  This is because I recently got married.  Between working a summer job, getting married, and moving, I just haven't had time to post.  However, now that school is only a few weeks away, hopefully things will begin slowing down, and I will be able to focus more on art lessons and keeping my blog updated.

There will be quite a few changes coming for me this school year.  First, I will have to get used to a new name.  Instead of being Ms V, I will now be Mrs. B.  Also, I will be beginning a new job this year.  In the past, I have always traveled between three schools.  However, this year, I am lucky enough to be at just one.  The largest school I taught at last school year decided they wanted a full time art teacher, so they used their own budget to buy out the rest of my position.  I am so excited to be at one school, and to see the students more consistently.  Instead of teaching almost 2,000 students, like I have in the past, I will only have about 850.


  1. Congratulations! Good luck in your new adventures!

  2. Congrats on the marriage & the position at ONE school....AWESOME!!!!!! Question...are you guys pouring paint on a canvas in that picture?!?!?!!?

  3. Thanks. Yes, we are pouring paint onto a canvas. This was our unity ceremony. Some people do a unity candle, and I have also seen something similar done with sand. We both had different colors of paint to symbolize the coming together of two people.

  4. Darn it...wish I would have thought of that....7 yrs ago! :) ha ha Very cool...I hope that gets pinned...such a good idea!!

  5. This is really awesome news! Congrats on the wedding! You looked beautiful. I adore the dress! Congrats on the new teaching position! It must be such a relief to only have to worry about one school and one large set of children.

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