Friday, March 4, 2011

Whoville, 1st Grade

Wednesday was Dr. Seuss' birthday, so I thought it would be fun to do a Dr. Seuss project with my first graders. I have done this lesson before, but previously I did it with Kindergarten. Before beginning this project, we talked about how Whoville is an imaginary town with wild colors, curvy roads, and unusual buildings. To begin this project, I had my students draw three unusual blob shapes which would be the buildings. These shapes were then decorated with crazy patterns and designs. Students cut these out, and glue them so that they stick up off the page (I show my students how to do this). After this, we used strips of construction paper to add roads and stairs.
My first graders had a lot of fun with this project. Funny thing, a few of my fifth graders have asked if they could do this project too.


  1. Very cute project.
    I am certain the children had fun with it.

  2. I LOVE this. I am just getting ready to plan for my Kindergarten rotation and something like this will fit perfectly with a series of projects I am thinking about -- THANKS for sharing. (While I was here visiting I spent some time looking at some of your older posts -- why has it taken me so long to find you?? Great blog!!)
