Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Recycled Flowers, 4th Grade

 I had several boxes of old magazines sitting around my house, so I decided to finally put them to good use.  This project is fairly straight forward.  My students cut out circles to create the flower, and rolled the magazines to create a center.  The stems and the grass was simply cut out and glued down. 
 For the most part, the flowers all look the same.  If I were to do this project again, I think I would encourage my students to experiment with different sizes and shapes for the flower petals. 


  1. A nice group display and good recycling!

  2. I just love these! They came out so nicely. Did they get to choose their background color or did you randomly hand out colors?

    1. They chose their color. They had a choice of red, blue, or purple.

  3. Effective, child centered work. Thanks.
