Monday, October 15, 2012

Folk Art, 4th Grade

 These beautiful paintings were created by my fourth graders.  I based this lesson off of the artwork of Karla Gerard.  Her paintings are wonderfully colorful.  Click on the link to see her art. 
 For this lesson, my students focused on drawing farm land.  We drew hills, trees, fences, etc. with oil pastels.  After this, I asked my students to add patterns to their drawing.  Next, we used liquid watercolors to paint our drawings. 
These are wonderfully colorful!  I just love them!


  1. these are beautiful! what brand of watercolor did you use? The crayola ones I'm using this year are so dull

    1. I use Sax Liquid Watercolors. They are much brighter than traditional watercolors.

  2. Wow- these are so charming and colouful! I love folk art and have never heard of this artist before. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Such happy and inviting landscapes : )

  4. Thanks for sharing this lesson, I just did it with my 5th graders and I love the way their paintings look! I love that you shared Karla's artwork too. I had never heard of her. You can see my students' versions here.
