Saturday, January 16, 2010

Space, 2nd Grade

A few months ago, students were studying the topic of space in science class. This was the perfect opportunity to tackle the same theme. All children LOVE the topic of space and very much enjoyed creating their drawings.
This project is also rather simple. I give the students a lot of freedom in this project. They can either draw space as it really is, or as they imagine it to be. This means they are free to draw anything, even aliens! First, everything is drawn in pencil. Then students use oil pastels to neatly color everything in. Lastly, students use a wash of black watercolor to create the dark sky. Students are always amazed to find that the watercolors do not stick to the oil pastel. They think it is magic!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! It's lovely to see work when all the finished results are unique!
