Saturday, January 9, 2010

Japanese Landscapes, 3rd Grade

I was looking through my photos from last year, and I found this project. I had almost forgotten about this lesson, and was quite excitted to find these photos tucked away in a file on my computer. The focus of this lesson was artwork of Japan. I started this lesson by showing my students both Japanese architecture and art. We then used this as inspiration to create our own Japanese landscapes. I originally found this idea on the Incredible Art Department.
Basically, I had the students draw at least five hills onto their papers. I showed the students how to do this. Then I asked the students to create a Japanese Palace on one of the top hills. (I showed students various ways to make their buildings look Japanese). Then students were asked to either add a river or a road into their pictures. Finally, students were asked to draw a farmers house and a few crops. To complete our drawings, everything was colored with oil pastels. A small piece of black paper was glued to the top and bottom to make it look like a scroll.
I just love the results of this project!


  1. I love your Japanese Landscapes and I have been wanting to do something similar with my groups. I am, however, finding it difficult to get any suitable images to show the children. Do you have any ideas or suggestions. Many thanks, Liz in the UK

  2. Hello Lizwensley14, I have a book called "Intersections: Japanese Art and the West" published by the Smithsonian. Most of the artwork I showed was in this book. This book contains several good examples of Japanese Landscape paintings and prints. Also, I googled Japanese buildings to find good images of the architecture of Japan. This will help students make their buildings look more Japanese. I hope this helps. Let me know how the project goes with your students.

  3. Thanks Holly, I will see if I can get this book although our library in Sheffield doesn't always have American publications. I will take your advice and google some japanese buildings. I like the way your students interpreted the idea and I'm hoping that mine will do the same. I'd like to do this project in the next month or two, but our schools have been closed here due to heavy snow and ice so I'm already behind on this term! xx and thanks for the advice. Will take photos and send them along. Liz in the UK
