Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clay Tile Mural Completed!

 I finally completed the clay tile mural today.  Attaching these tiles was extremely time consuming. First I had the custodian screw a large piece of plywood into the wall.  Then, I used tile adhesive to attach each tile.  Lastly, I used grout to fill in the spaces.  This was my first time tiling a wall, so it was definitely a learning experience. 
I need give a huge shout out to Deep Space Sparkle.  With out the help of her blog, and detailed Ceramic Tile Booklet, I would never have been able to finish this project.  If you are planning a project like this, you should definitely check out her site. 
I think this mural turned out very well.  It was a ton of work, but I think it was worth it.


  1. It looks great, you did a fantastic job! Mark

  2. It turned out AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can imagine the work that went into it, but so worth it!!!

  3. Love Keith Haring's work and your students did him proud! Nice work!


  4. I remember seeing your mural in the spring, but I didn't see that you did the tiling yourself. Nice. I wrote a grant to do a tile mural, so good to hear that I might be able to save a bit of that money to do the tiling myself.
