Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Styrofoam Printing, 5th Grade

I have been wanting to do a printmaking lesson for a long time, but have never had the opportunity until now. The brayers and ink are fairly pricey, and in the past I didn't have the budget for it. However, I received a grant last year, and with that money I bought printmaking supplies.
These are just basic Styrofoam prints. We drew onto styrofoam with a pencil, making sure to push hard enough to engrave into the styrofoam. We then printed this design four times onto a piece of white paper.
Overall, I think these turned out GREAT!


  1. Styrofoam printing gives some of the inscribed effect to the art work,which are long lasting.

    printing to canvas

  2. I have such a hard time printing as the inks always start to dry too quickly. I've started to use tempera because I can re-wet it, but it's not the same experience. How do you keep you ink from drying? What brand are you using?

  3. I use Speed Ball ink. It does dry fairly quickly, but I just kept adding new ink to the trays. I have never tried using tempera. Maybe I will try that sometime.

  4. I would love to do this, but the sound of rubbing styrofoam drives me up the wall. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.
