Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Music, 3rd Grade

I recently did this lesson with my third graders. We began this lesson by listening to Jazz music. I asked my students to try to visualize the music while it was playing. We then discussed ways to show rhythm and movement in art.

For this lesson, I taught my students to draw a guitar. After this, students were asked to draw designs or patterns to show rhythm. We then used warm and cool colors to paint our pictures.
These turned out really nice. I can almost hear the music now.


  1. Nice! Love the jazzy colors :]

  2. So beautiful!!! I am going to try this with my 3rd graders. Thanks!

  3. great job! love the colors. tempera? how did u set up the paint?

  4. Super fun! I did this lesson w/my students and they loved it. Thanks. (I linked you:)
