Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pinterest is AWESOME!

I have seen many people talk about Pinterest, but I never understood the point. However, now that I have joined, I just LOVE it. For a visual person like me, I just love logging in, and looking at the many pictures. Such a wonderful source of inspiration. Plus, I now have a way to save the many ideas I find on other blogs. Never again, will I find a great idea, and forget where I found it.
I don't have many things posted yet, but hopefully I will soon. If you are on Pinterest, follow me at;

By the way: The picture at the top has nothing to do with this post. Just thought this post needed some color, so I posted one of my paintings.


  1. Love it to and am using so many of the ideas. Now they are not just seen and disappearing. They are being made and improving my program by inspiring me and freshening things up. What I really love is finding an idea I used 20 years ago and forgot how good it was.
    I'm at
