Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jazz, 2nd Grade

I have done this lesson many times before with many different grade levels. This year, I decided to try it with my second graders. To begin this project, we listened to jazz music for a couple minutes. We then talked about how music has rhythm and movement, and discussed the idea that art can also show rhythm and movement. Each child was given a large piece of construction paper to draw their instrument on. I had my students draw with a black crayon in order to make sure they drew big enough. (Most kids will draw bigger with a crayon than a pencil). My students had to draw either a guitar or trumpet, which I showed them how to draw. After this, they cut the instrument out and glue it to the black paper. The rest of the project was entirely up to them. They used scrap paper to cut out simple shapes, to make it look like the instrument was playing music. I even let my students cut up music sheets to add to their collage. Finally, in the last five minutes of class, I let my students use oil pastels to add final details.
While my students were working, I continued to play jazz music. I think these turned out quite nice.


  1. When are they going to get a like button for blogger?

  2. Like! And YES! to Erica. I keep wondering that too.

  3. Love! What great results for 2nd grade. I have been planning to do this type of lesson with 4th grade soon. Thanks for the inspiration!
