Monday, November 29, 2010

Winter Around the School

One of my schools has a really awesome PTA. Every December they choose a theme and decorate the entire school. This year the theme is Snow. Each teacher was given a four foot white snowman to decorate. Some teachers chose to have the students decorate the snowman, and others decorated the snowman themselves. I am sure it's hard to guess which one I made.Part of the burden of being an art teacher is that people are constantly asking you to help out with their projects. The igloo here is one of those. The PTA wanted a giant igloo to go around the door to the "Secret Santa Shop," and of course this task somehow fell of my shoulders. I griped about having to do this, but now that it is done, I am very glad I did it. It really does look cool, and the students are thrilled. Anyway, I just wanted to share a few pictures of my school's Winter Wonderland.


  1. What a fun theme! Your igloo really turned out to be spectacular! I like the icy look of the blocks!

  2. How fun!!! I really like the artist snowman!

  3. Oh this is awesome!!! I should do the snow man thing with my teachers! Would be so fun to see them all over the school!

  4. I love this idea! I think that it would be something fun for my family to do.

    I think that your igloo is amazing.
