Sunday, November 14, 2010

I love Blogging!

When I began this blog, I didn't think anyone would ever read it. The main reason I began the blog was to organize my lessons and photos. I figured if my lesson ideas were on the internet, I wouldn't loose them. Anyway, I am constantly amazed that people are actually reading it, and best of all, through this blog, I have been able to be connected with other art teachers. Being an art teacher is often a very solitary career, and blogging has become my way of staying in touch with other art teachers.I am just constantly amazed that people from all over the world take the time to read my blog. Recently, I received an email from Labbé, a german family-run publishing house who wanted to do a short interview with me, and include my blog on their website. I am incredibly flattered that anyone in Germany would care about me or my blog. Anway, here is the link to their Blog Portrait: For those like me, who don't speak German, just translate it through google. The internet is a wonderful thing!

(By the way: the pictures here have absolutely nothing to do with this post. I just hate posting without a picture.)


  1. I have recently started blogging for the same reasons as you and it is so much fun. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean! I love connecting with other art teachers and so wish we could all come up with a way to get together in person! Don't you think we would all have the best time!? Way to go with the interview!

  3. Congrats on the interview! By the way - I absolutely LOVE the artwork you have posted, even if it has nothing to do with the post. Should I assume these are pieces of YOUR own artwork? Gorgeous, both of them!

    And yes, I too am blown away by the new friends I've made all over the world through blogging, and by the fact that people are interested in anything I have to say. Blogging is awesome. I agree with Tana - it would be great to meet blog friends in person.

  4. Phyl, Yes, the pictures I posted are some of my own artwork. (Not recent artwork though, they are things I did in college).

    Tana, I agree, I wish we could all get together too. We really would have the best time.
