Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Awesome Art Room

I finally have an art room! After spending two years teaching on a cart, it is great to have all of this space. This room is great. I have closets, tables, and even a Smart Board. My life could not be any better!It is wonderful to have an art room for the first time.


  1. I really like those black and white images you've got hanging in your room - can you tell about them?

  2. Well I got the idea off of a really cute book I found called "Stick." This is a book that simply takes movies, books, and art history and reduces it to a stick figure. Here is a link to it http://www.amazon.com/Stick-Great-Moments-History-More/dp/0307338592
    I thought the idea was really cute. The top pictures are stick figure depictions of Paul Revere, Mary Poppins, and Harry Potter. In the back of the room I have American Gothic.

    Down on the shelves I have smaller pictures. Those are famous artists reduced to smiley faces. For instance: Van Gogh is missing his ear, Pollock is a bunch a scribles, Rothko is a square smiley face, etc.

    I often show students that when drawing people, it is often easiest to start off with a stick figure.(but not the boring kindergarten type of stick figure. Ours should show movement.) Then we add the meat of the person later. I was hoping that having a few good stick figure examples will help them with this.

    I think it also helps to show that even famous paintings can be reduced to something as simple as a stick figure.

  3. Love your room! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh, I don't know how you did it before! Your room looks great. Have a great year!

  5. Awesome!!! Congrats your room is fantastic!
