Friday, April 24, 2015

Art Show 2015

This was our first Art Show.  I decided to turn our art show into a fundraiser.  We had a company called Artome frame the artwork, and we sold each frame for $25.
By using this company, the whole process was really easy.  I labeled the artwork, and sent it to Artome two weeks prior to the show.  They came on the day of the show with the framed artwork, and even hung the artwork for me.  At the end of the show they packed up any unsold frames, and will send the artwork back to me.  This was great because it made cleanup easy, and we are only charged for what is sold.  
 Other than the framed artwork, we also had sculptures up for everyone to see.  
 Here are our 4th grade paper mache ice cream cones.
 These flowers were made by my kindergarten and fifth graders.  They worked collaboratively on this.
The Totem Poles were made by my fifth graders.  Each student created one piece of the totem, and put them together to make a large totem pole.


  1. I am so excited that I read your post about the art show (it looks so great, by the way!) I downloaded an info packet from Artome. I just wanted to know how they were able to accommodate you in Maryland? I teach in Ohio and would love to use them for a fall show. Was there a minimum number of pieces? thank you so much!

  2. Artome works with many states. They have offices in different parts of the country, and I think they are planning to expand. You will have to contact them to find out if Ohio is one of their states. No, I do not believe there was a minimum number of pieces. Hope you find this company as wonderful as I have.

  3. What a great idea! Your photos look terrific. I am organising my school's art show this October. We do it every second year. I am hoping to have fundraising as a higher priority this time and having a company frame up the work and then sell it at a set price per piece is something I should investigate. I usually mount all the work myself, which takes forever, and then sell each piece for $2. I thought this time I might also sell simple clip frames and place several pieces in frames as samples and then frame up the pieces for parents after they buy the frames. I'm also going to have a raffle with art filled prizes that the children will be keen to buy tickets for and we'll also be selling food and drinks this time, which always make a profit.

  4. You are doing a great job. The artworks are very great that helps you gain the achievement soon.

    certificate of TESOL
