Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Silhouette Houses, 4th Grade

It has been a long time since I have posted new lessons.  This is because I have recently started a Master's Degree, and it has taken most of my extra time.  I will try to do better though, and post more often. 

Here are a few silhouette houses my fourth graders created a few weeks ago.  To begin this lesson, we discussed what a silhouette was, and looked at photos of silhouette houses.  Students also created a few sketches of houses for practice.

After that, students created the background with liquid watercolors, and then painted the house with black tempera paint.

 I just love that each house looks different.

1 comment:

  1. How pretty paintings! These paintings are looking so cute. Hey, if you have knowledge about Aboriginal Art paintings then please give me some guidelines to learn this art style. I am really very interested in this type of art!
