Monday, November 26, 2012

Carolers, 1st Grade

About a year ago, I found this really cute lesson on the blog, Plastiquem.  Now that it is finally almost winter again, I decided to try this one for myself.  Here are several examples from my first graders. 

I think these are wonderful!  I just love the way they look all together. 


  1. Oh my gosh, these are darling. At first I thought they were catching snow. But then I saw the sooo great.

  2. These are so cute! Do you have instructions for them? I'm wondering if they did them step by step or if you just showed an example and then they made their own. Any advice would be great :)

    1. Judy, They did these step by step with me. I first had them draw the head. I did it on the board and they followed. Then we drew the body and hat, once again I demonstrated and they followed along. I then showed them how to make hair, mittens, and music notes. Once all the pieces were created, they glued everything to their paper.

  3. ¡Me encantan!No hay dos caras iguales,cuánta creatividad...y viendo todo el conjunto os ha quedado un mural precioso. ¡Enhorabuena!
