Thursday, October 25, 2012

City Prints/Reflections, 5th Grade

 I stole this lesson idea from the blog, Laugh Paint Create.  My students have recently been studying reflections in math class, so I thought this was a perfect integration.
 To begin this lesson, I had my students use watercolors to paint their paper.  Next, we did a basic Styrofoam print.  Students drew a city on a piece of Styrofoam and then printed it onto the top half of their paper.  To get the reflection, I had my students fold their paper in half while the ink was still wet.   
I think these turned out well. 


  1. I love it! I have seen this lesson before, but the city was printed twice, once on the top, and upside down on the bottom. Folding it in half while the paper is still wet is such a great solution, because it makes the reflection lighter, and the reflection isn't flipped! I'm pinning this :).

  2. Hello. I teach fifth and sixth grade art. I thought my 1000 students was a lot until I saw that you have 2000 students! My classes are 40 minutes and I'm sure you know that When you have that amount of time and that number of students you have to design lessons that take a reasonable number of sessions to complete. You also have to plan strategies for clean up and set up that work to your advantage. You have to embed these strategies into your teaching, otherwise it can be very overwhelming. Can you post about how you handle the masses and the messes?

    1. My classes function different than a typical art class. Because I have over 60 different classes to see, I only see my students about 5 times a year. Each class is about 75 minutes, and the projects must be completed in that time frame. I think about every aspect of the project, and have to time it just right in order to finish in time. I also do a ton of prep work before I see each class in order to save as much time as possible during the lesson.
