Sunday, December 11, 2011

Snowflake Quilt, 3-5th Grade

This lesson focused on radial symmetry. Each student painted one snowflake. We began by folding the paper into eight lines. Each line became one point of the snowflake. Students then decorated their snowflakes with shapes and lines. The only rule was that it had to be symmetrical. After the snowflakes were painted, students created patterns around the boarder. These turned out great, but I can not take full credit for this lesson. I found the idea from an image on Flickr.


  1. Beautiful! These would really cheer up our school hallways!

  2. They look great all together! I might have to try something similar!

  3. This looks great! Did you paint and several different papers layered?

    1. Yes, there are several different layers of paper. This created an interesting border.
