Sunday, September 25, 2011

Starry Night, 2nd Grade

Everyone loves Van Gogh's Starry Night, and I have done many art projects based on it. Here is my latest one.
This project is really very simple. I had my students draw stars and wind with oil pastels. Next, we used liquid watercolors to paint the sky. Lastly, students drew a city onto black paper, which was then cut out and glued to their painting.
I just love these! My second graders did a great job.


  1. Gee, it seems like we are ALL doing Van Gogh right now!!

  2. Starry Night... no art program is complete without it! Looking forward to mine this year - I changed mine from 2nd to 1st grade... we'll see how it goes: ) these are great

  3. I just finished my 2nd grade Starry NIght project, but haven't yet posted it. I really like this one, too.
