Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clay Dragons, Summer Art

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I am teaching summer clay classes at the local community center. Recently, my students made these really cool clay dragons.
These are very simple to make. Basically, we made the body of the dragon by rolling a long coil. One end is bent upwards to use as the neck and head. Legs and other details were added by scoring and slipping. Unfortunately, we did not have time to glaze these, so we finished by using tempera paint. A few of my students chose to add glitter as well.
This is a very simple project, and is perfect for students who are inexperienced with clay. Also, kids LOVE dragons, so they were really excited to add details to make it their own.


  1. Cool! What age made these? I am about to start clay dragons with my grade fours this week!

  2. The class I teach is for kids between ages 5-10 years old, but the photos here are of the older students. The younger ones made nice dragons as well, but they were not as detailed as these.
