Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bottle Caps Everywhere

Today was the first day of my bottle cap mural project. Today I did this project with two 5th Grade classes. For the past few months, I have had my students collecting bottle caps. Several wonderful fifth graders volunteered to help me sort them by color. Yesterday, I drew the design and created this key. We did this project in color by number format.
Originally I planned to do this project on wood using screws, as I have seen done on many sites. However after looking into the price of screws and wood, I decided to use things I already had. We created this mural on foam core and adhered the caps using hot glue. It's hard to see in this photo, but this mural was divided into 6 pieces, one for each table. Each table had one glue gun, and we rotated to insure everyone had a chance to glue. This worked well because everyone was able to help with the mural.
I was quite surprised how quickly we finished this mural. I had two fifth grade classes today, each an hour long, and we finished this entire mural in one day. There are still three more fifth grade classes, so it looks like I will have to have create one more mural, so that everyone has a chance to do this project.
I haven't quite figured out how to hang this mural yet. Since it is on foam core and not wood, I am not sure the best way to adhere it to the wall. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.


  1. This is a great recycling project.
    The flowers look great.

    To adhere the mural to the wall you can attach the foam core to poster board quality paper and use your glue gun.

    I hope this helps.

  2. WOW! This turned out really well. You must have collected THOUSANDS of caps!! Love it.

  3. I'm in the midst of a bottle cap project as well. We went the wood and screw path, thanks to donations from our school community. Your mural looks awesome!

  4. That looks awesome! How about adhering a ribbon to it at the top and hanging it from that?

    Jamie @ handson : as we grow

  5. That is amazing! I will definitely be sharing this with others - thanks for sharing it with us!

  6. WOW! I love this, it looks unreal! What a great way to reuse old lids, I'd better start collecting.

  7. oh man, this is awesome!!!! i love that it is a recycled item, and that you created a mural!! really great!

  8. I love this. Great job 5th graders!

  9. That looks brilliant, something I'd love to do with my kids. Just the time to find so many different coloured bottle caps!

  10. I've been thinking about doing a bottle cap mural next year, so this is helpful! (and beautiful!)

  11. LOVE IT!!
    Inspiring me to do this with my students! I've been saving caps for a long time. Great job!

  12. I have been collecting bottle caps all year and hope to do a project with my students NEXT year. I love your creativity. Did you draw it out first and mark each area with a color code? Very, very nice!

  13. Yes, that's exactly how I did it. I drew the design first, and then coded each section.

  14. I am new to the blogosphere and am TOTALLY amazed by this project! All of the art elements,sculpture,cooperative learning,large scale projects, I could go on and on.You are an inspiration to all art teachers everywhere. Keep up the great work!

  15. Wow! What a brilliant art project! Perhaps it could be displayed on an easel.

  16. Wonderful job! I would haved loved to do this project with my school age group!

  17. Sticky Velcro. Loved this project!

  18. truly amazing! i too am surprised u finished it so quickly. i've been hesitant to let them use the glue gun but i think i'm gonna have to try it. this is worth overcoming my fears!

  19. did you figure out how to hang it? I would love to hear

  20. Yes, we ended up using hot glue to hang it to the wall. It isn't a permanent installation, but it has been hanging for a few years, and it is still holding up rather well.

  21. It looks great! Amazing how one cap is just one cap, but when you add many caps of many colors, its a work of art!

    If you go to you hardware store they have furring strips. ( think long pieces of wood. You could make a frame on the opposite side and attach with heavy duty glue, then add your hardware/or wire to it to hang.
    Hope that helps as a suggestion!
