Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lizards, Pre-K

These are the beautiful lizards my Pre-K students created yesterday. Now that these kids have been in school for a while, and most have now figured out how to hold a pencil, I decided it was time to try a little tracing. I gave each child a stencil of a lizard, which they placed in the middle of a white piece of paper. Many of them had never used a stencil before, so I demonstrated before beginning. (Most understood the concept of tracing, while others needed help). Once everything was traced, I had the students outline their lizards with oil pastels. Students also used oil pastels to decorate the lizards. Some of them colored the entire lizard, while others just drew designs inside the lizard. Either way was fine with me. Lastly, I gave each student watercolors to paint the background.
I love watching these little students paint! They are so excited when they rinse their paint brushes off, and discover that the water changes color. I just love their enthusiasm!


  1. You make me wish I was teaching younger children ... LOL

    Although my 13- 15 year olds still discover new colours too when rinsing their brushes :)

  2. I love seeing the growth of young artists. Great website keep up the blogging
