Wednesday, February 9, 2011

100 Years Old, Kindergarten

Every year, the kindergartners celebrate the 100th day of school. This year, on the 100th day, we drew ourselves 100 years old. I have seen this lesson posted on several blogs. Most recently I saw it on School at St. George Place, but I am unsure where it originated.Before beginning, we discussed what people look like when they get old. Surprisingly, many of my kids have never seen an elderly person, and therefore did not know what they looked like. To help them understand, I showed the students photos of elderly people. We discussed how old people usually have wrinkles and gray hair. First, we drew the face, neck, and shoulders with a black crayon. We also added hair and wrinkles. After this, I handed out multicultural crayons for students to color the skin. The hair was painted with silver watercolor paint, and the background was painted with watercolors as well. I think these are wonderful! and the students certainly enjoyed this lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning our project!

    Lauren Taylor
