Sunday, December 12, 2010

Arcimboldo at the National Gallery

One of the coolest things about living near Washington DC is that I have lots of museums to visit. This weekend, I went to the National Gallery and saw the Giuseppe Arcimboldo exhibit. It really was one of the coolest exhibits that I have ever seen. If you don't know anything about Arcimboldo, you are missing out. He was an artist in the 1500's who painted portraits by combining fruit, fish, books, and other objects together. This was really one of the coolest exhibits. If you live anywhere near D.C., you should really go see this exhibit before it leaves in January.


  1. I agree 100% this is an amazing exhibit! Get there to see it!
    ~ Susan

  2. Oh, I so wish I could go. I've never seen a 'real' Arcimboldo painting, but I am planning on doing some lessons based on his work some time this winter after the holidays. I wonder if we can view the exhibit on the internet - then I could show it to the kids on the Elmo projector.

  3. I'm jealous!

    I just finished up an Archimboldo lesson with my 3rd graders. They followed me to draw a basic portrait, then they had to go back in with either a nature theme or a food theme to fill in the spaces of their face. It was awesome! :) Definately a way to grab their attention! Saw lots of french fry hair and banana mouths!

  4. I want to get down there before it closes as well! His work is so amazing!
