Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mexican Suns, Summer Ceramics

This summer, I am teaching a kid's ceramic class. The kids in the class range from age 6 to 11. For this project, I had students create Mexican suns.We began with a slab of clay. Students then cut out their sun shape. After this, they added details by adding eyes, nose, mouth, or any other decorations they desired. These could be done by either adding small amounts of clay or cutting into the clay with a toothpick. Some students even added texture by stamping things into the clay.

These were fired once. Then we added glazes and fired again. I just love seeing the students' faces when they see their piece after the glaze has been fired. They are always so surprised and happy with the final product.

1 comment:

  1. Love the suns! Wish I had a place to fire clay-I have to do our clay projects with air dry.
