Thursday, July 8, 2010

Clay Fish, Summer Art

My summer ceramics class made these really awesome clay fish. We started off with two oval slabs of clay. One slab is the bottom of the fish. We put a ball of newspaper on one slab. Then we put the other slab on top and connect the clay on the sides. (The newspaper helps keep the clay from sinking.) Fins and eyes were then added to our fish.
It is really important that everything is connected well. If it's not, it may fall apart. Make sure students score and slip when they connect pieces of clay.
After it has been fired once, we then glaze our fish and fire again. These are just so so COOL!


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog! I have a question for you. Any chance you might have a template for the Native American Patterns entry from 10/12/09. I'd love to try this :)
    thanks, sonjia
    deep_magic_2000 at yahoo dot com

  2. Sonjia,

    I will send you an email with the template.
