Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paper Mache Fish, 2nd Grade

I had been asked by the second grade teachers to do a paper mache project with the students. I had never done this before, because I generally have to get a project done from start to finish in one class. However, I made an exception in this case. This project was done in two classes instead of one, which still is not much time for paper mache.
On the first day, we took a balloon and taped on simple cardboard fins. Then we used strips of newspapers and dipped it into the paper mache. Because of my lack of budget, I just made the paper mache out of flour, water, and salt. Then we put a second layer on with colored tissue paper. This gives the fish some color right from the start.
We then left it to dry for about 3 days. On the second art day, we painted our fish. Mostly we focused on details. (They painted eyes, mouth, stripes, poka dots, gills, etc.).

I thought these turned out very cute. I just wish I could have had a couple more days for this project. It would have been nice if the students could have had more time to add unique details from the beginning. However, the second graders have told me that this was their favorite project EVER! I am always glad to hear that my students enjoyed a project.

1 comment:

  1. We've both posted papier-mache fish! But very different - I'll admit mine took MUCH longer - I'm very lucky to have the time. But yours are so adorable, especially for something done so quickly. Pat yourself on your back!
