Friday, March 5, 2010

Kandinsky Circles, Kindergarten

I had my little kindergartens work with paint this week. I found this lesson on Deep Space Sparkle, and just had to do it. It is always tricky trying to use tempera paint when you are "Art on a Cart," but somehow I have just learn to deal with it. While it is messy, and hauling all the paint into the classroom is a pain, it is totally worth it! Anyway, we began by looking at the artwork of Kandinsky. The little kindergartners think his art is so cool! We then divided the paper into 6 spaces. For this project to work, you really need to do this project step by step.
Here is what I did:
1. Have students dip the brush into yellow. Then tell them to paint a circle in one square. After this, have them paint a 2nd yellow circle in a different space.

2. Have them clean their brush. Dip into the red and draw two red circles.

3. Have them clean their brush. Dip into the blue and have them draw two blue circles. Once they have done this, all 6 spaces should have a circle in it.

4. Then have them color the inside of the circles using a different color from what they have already used. (For example: if the circle is yellow then they can use either blue or red for the inside).

5. Once they have painted the insides, then they paint the space around the circle using the color that has NOT been used yet. (some of them will have trouble figuring out which color they haven't used).
I absolutely LOVE the results!

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