Friday, March 5, 2010

Cherry Blossoms, 5th Grade

Once again, I have stolen a lesson from another blog. I just don't know what I would do if there wasn't such an awesome community of art bloggers. Anyway, this has been posted on several sites, but I saw it origianlly from Oodles of Art . I began this lesson by showing students examples of Chinese art. Many had trees very similar to this.

We began by doing a light watercolor background on our paper. When that was dry, we were ready to start the branches. I began by having the students put piles of paint on the sides of their paper. (I used a mixture of tempra and liquid watercolors for the paint). We then used straws to blow the paint out. The paint will then move out in many different directions creating these trees. Students will have to periodically add more paint to make this work. Finally, we used a Q-tip to add flowers to the Cherry Blossom Trees.
These just turned out GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Holly, for all your fantastic projects! You are so gracious to share directions and photos - thank you for breaking things down step by step.
    We are part of a homeschool co-op and today our classes enjoyed 3 of your projects: 3rd, 4th, 6th graders made Wilted Flower Stained Glass pictures, 1st gradeers created Chinese Cherry Blossoms, and the PreK painted adorable pig pictures. Thank you so much! Rebekah - Hendersonville, NC
