Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More of My Art

During the huge snowstorm this week, I was stuck inside my apartment all by myself. To keep myself busy, I painted this picture. This is now a last minute Christmas present for my parents. I have never painted anything like this before. I never knew how hard it was to paint fog. I think I have learned a lot while painting this.

Having three snow days this week, gave me plenty of time to finish the painting and frame it. This painting was definately a challenge, but I think it turned out well.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Art

I have been working on this painting for the last few weeks and it is finally done. It's not the style I normally paint in, but this painting is not for me. It is a gift for someone who likes things a little more traditional. I tried to tone down my normal "wild" style for this one.

It's always hard to say goodbye to a painting though. At least I know it has a good home.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Van Gogh City Scapes, 2nd Grade

I found this idea the other day on Art Smarts. I had to adapt it a little in order to get it done in one hour, but I think the results were wonderful. I showed the students Van Gogh's "Starry Night", which the students loved. These were made out of tissue paper. The students tore strips of tissue paper and glued it onto black paper. Then, white paint was used to draw the swirls into the sky. Students then drew a city onto black paper and cut it out. This was glued down onto their page. Windows were drawn in with white oil pastels.

I just love these!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Number Paintings, Kindergarten

This is a great project for the little Kindergartners. They have recently been learning their numbers, so this project was perfect for them. A few years ago, I saw this project in the magazine, "School Arts," which is a wonderful resource by the way. Basically, you have students use oil pastels to write numbers all over their page. Some numbers can be big, some small. Also, numbers should not be written in a row, but all over their paper.

I actually have them draw one number one, two number two's, three number three's, etc. They do this until they get to the number ten. This is so they fill up their entire page with lots of numbers. Otherwise, they may only write a few numbers and say they are done. After the numbers are written, they use watercolors for the background. This is such a simple project, but I love the results.

Snowmen Again, Kindergarten

Alright, so I know that I have already posted on this project once before, but those pictures were from last year. These are from this year, and honestly I think they are better. Last year I was a little afraid of giving Kindergartners paint, and the project was a little more structured. This year, I gave them more freedom with it. As a result, I think they are more creative.
Some students gave their snowmen hair, scarves, necklaces, earrings, etc. I just love their creativity.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Closeup Snowmen, 1st and 2nd Grade

I had my first and second graders create snowmen this week. This was perfect because our first snow of the year happened today. These are closeups of a snowman. Instead of drawing three circles on top of each other, we zoom in and have only a head and body. We drew everything in crayon first, then used tempera paint to color everything.

I can not take full credit for this project. I first saw it on Art Projects for Kids, but I have seen it posted on several other sites since then. This is such a wonderful project. The Kids love it and I love it too.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Optical Illusions, 5th Grade

Today we created Optical Illusions with one of my fifth grade classes. Some students loved this project, but others found it very hard. Unlike most of my art projects, this one involved using our mathematical brains. These look really cool when all of them are hung together on the wall.

To create these, we started with a square piece of paper. First we drew a grid using rulers. Then we traced three circles onto the grid. Now for the hard part, color in every other space black. This seems easy, but it really takes thought. When you get to the circles, you may not be coloring the entire square, but a small piece of the square. No two black spaces should touch each other. There are some mistakes in these, but they still turned out awesome.
I did not come up with this lesson myself. I found it on one of my favorite websites, Oodles of Art.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Teepees, 5th Grade

My fifth graders have been learning a lot about Native Americans recently, so I thought it was the perfect time to create Teepees. We decorated our teepees using Native American designs and symbols. To help the students with this, I brought in lots of examples.

The students folded their teepees to make them stand up. We folded our teepees eight times. To make the teepee look like animal hide, I brought in yellow ochre watercolors and we did a simple wash over the whole thing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Frogs, 1st Grade

I did these frogs with my first graders. The bodies were made out of paper cups, which we covered with green tissue paper. The legs and mouth were cut out of green construction paper. The tongue was made out of a red pipe cleaner and a fly was stapled to the end.
These turned out really cute. I let my students decorate their frogs with lots of fun designs and patterns. I just love how each frog seems to have a unique personality.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Winter, 3rd Grade

Today my third graders created winter scenes. Winter is my absolute favorite season, so I love this project. This project is rather complicated, so it was hard to get done in 75 minutes, but my students worked hard and we got it done. I began this lesson by showing students the artwork of Maud Lewis,a Canadian Folk artist. We noticed how simple her trees, houses, and animals were drawn. Our artwork is inspired after her.
Here are the basic directions:
1. Draw three trees on black paper (I show students how to do this) and then cut them out.
2. Cut out a rectangle for a house and a triangle for the roof.
3. Put these things aside until later
4. Fold a piece of paper in half (Hot dog style). The fold becomes the horizon.
5. Paint the sky blue. Then add a little white on top while the sky is still wet to be the clouds.
6. Rinse off paint brush and paint the ground white
7. Glue the trees and house down the paper
8. Add snow by splattering white paint onto the page. (They love this part!)

I absolutely Love, Love, Love these!!

Rainforest Birds, 4th Grade

Today we created Rainforest birds. I showed the students how to draw the bird and then we added leaves and flowers in the background. The bird was colored completely with oil pastels. As I always do with my students, I had them blend colors together with their fingers. The leaves and flowers were only outlined with oil pastels. Then watercolors were used to fill in the background.
These turned out wonderful. I am so proud of the 4th graders!!

Aboriginal Dot Paintings, 3rd Grade

Students have recently been learning about traditions from many different cultures, so I thought it would be fun to do an Aboriginal art lesson. The Aborigines are the Natives of Australia and are known for their dot paintings. I showed the students many examples of Aboriginal dot paintings (there are a lot of examples of these on google images).
We then created our own dot paintings. On a piece of construction paper, students drew simple designs. Then using Q-tips, students used tempera paint to add color. Students could only use dots!! We then drew animals on black construction paper and glued them on top of our designs.
This is a very simple project, but I like the outcome.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Abstract Paintings, Pre-K

My Pre-K students, in my opinion, is the hardest group to create lessons for. I love these students, but creating lessons developmentally appropriate for them has always been a challenge for me. I really like how these turned out, however. It truly is one of the first Pre-K lessons that I have been very satisfied with and will likely repeat in the future. This lesson was all about teaching these students how to paint with watercolors. I began by telling them the Paul Klee quote, "A Line is a Dot that Went for a Walk." We started with a black crayon and walked a line all around our paper. Then students used watercolors to fill in the space. Some students tried to fill in the spaces neatly inside the lines, but others did not. I was fine with what ever they wanted to do. I encouraged them to use as many colors as possible, but to try not to put colors on top of each other. It is easy for these students to start with a colorful picture and then put too many colors on top of each other.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Venetian Paper Masks, 4th and 5th Grade

I did this project last year, but absolutely loved it. It is very similar to the Inuit Mask lesson that I posted about a little while ago. To start this project, I showed the students examples of Venetian Masks worn during Carnival. Our masks are entirely made out of paper. We dug into my scrap paper box for this lesson. No new pieces of paper were to be used to decorate the mask.

I stressed the idea of symmetry. This can easily be done by cutting through two pieces of paper at once.
Also, layering is important. Gluing one piece on top of another really make these masks better.

Most of the hair was done with strips of paper and were either acordian folded or curled around pencils.

It's funny because the process of making these masks were the same as the Inuit Mask lesson, but the results were quite different. These definately do not look as tribal as the other. It just goes to show that the visuals you begin your lesson with does make a difference in the results, and students Do pay attention to the theme of your lesson!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Snowmen, Kindergarten

I realize that it is still Fall, but I can't help thinking about winter. Winter is my absolute favorite season! I just love snow. This is a project I did with Kindergartners last year.

Here are the steps:

1. Fold a piece of paper in half and draw half a snowman along the fold. Then cut it out. They now have two snowmen. (The whole one and the one with the negative space of the snowman). We will use the paper with the negative space of the snowman for our stencil. (you can save the other one for another project)

2. Put your stencil in the middle of a blue piece of construction paper

3. Use a sponge and white paint to dab inside the stencil (make sure students do not move stencil and that students are dabbing and not painting with the sponge). When students lift up the stencil, they will have a snowman shape on their paper.

4. Use Q-tips to put snow falling from the sky.

5. Q-tips can also be used to add buttons, eyes, mouth, arms, etc.

Students love this project and so do I! You are never too old to make a snowman!

Mixed Breed Animals, 2nd Grade

In this project, we looked at drawings of "Mixed Breed Animals" from the Middle Ages. They were told to choose 2-3 animals and combine them. To help the students with this, I brought in lots of photos of real animals. Having photos to look at really does help them a lot. After everything was drawn in pencil, I had them color everything with watercolor pencils. My students love these, they always think it is magic when water is brushed on top and it turns to paint.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Warm and Cool Color Hands, 3rd Grade

This is a really simple project and it looks awesome when it's finished. Basically, students start by drawing squares around each other until it fills the entire page. Then students traced their hands on top. I taught student's about warm and cool colors. The background needed to be all warm colors and the hand all cool colors or visa versa. We used tempera paints for this project.
I did not come up with this lesson myself. I have seen it posted on several websites before. Not sure who came up with it first, but Kudos to whoever it was.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Finished Kindergarten Ocean

Finally, The Kindergartners finished the ocean mural this week and it looks awesome. I posted before about the ocean mural that was being put up in the Kindergarten hallway and now it is done. I can't say enough how awesome the Kinders. are! Their fish are so creative and original. I just love that each fish looks completely different.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Artwork

Here are examples of my own art. I love painting more than just about anything else in the world. In my free time, I spend a lot of time painting. Unfortunately, I don't have as much free time as I would like. The painting above is more realistic than is typical of me, but I like it anyway. Generally, I paint landscapes, because I love nature. Normally, though, I paint very expressively using bright colors and thick brush strokes. I like to make my paintings very alive with a lot of emotion.

These are all oil paints. I love the thickness of oil paints and the length of time it takes to dry. I also just love the vibrancy of these paints.
When it comes to my art, realism has nothing to do with it. It is mostly about emotions.

Not everyone likes my style of painting. If this isn't your "cup of tea", that is absolutely fine. Everyone has their own tastes when it come to art.