Sunday, November 15, 2009

Abstract Paintings, Pre-K

My Pre-K students, in my opinion, is the hardest group to create lessons for. I love these students, but creating lessons developmentally appropriate for them has always been a challenge for me. I really like how these turned out, however. It truly is one of the first Pre-K lessons that I have been very satisfied with and will likely repeat in the future. This lesson was all about teaching these students how to paint with watercolors. I began by telling them the Paul Klee quote, "A Line is a Dot that Went for a Walk." We started with a black crayon and walked a line all around our paper. Then students used watercolors to fill in the space. Some students tried to fill in the spaces neatly inside the lines, but others did not. I was fine with what ever they wanted to do. I encouraged them to use as many colors as possible, but to try not to put colors on top of each other. It is easy for these students to start with a colorful picture and then put too many colors on top of each other.


  1. I have been a pre-k teacher for the last 9 years of my 23 year teaching career. i have lots of successful art projects that my students have done. I would be glad to share them with you! And when I say art projects, I do not mean anything with a ditto or pattern, my art activites are all open ended.

  2. Hello Mrs. C. I would love project ideas. I often search the internet for good art project for pre-K, but normally I find the projects to be too cookie cutter. I want my student's art to be truly creative and origional. I would love any suggestions.
