Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pirate Maps, 2nd Grade

My second graders have been learning to read maps recently, so I thought this would be the perfect time to create pirate maps. I showed my students many examples of pirate maps before beginning our project. We noticed that old maps are often very artistic. Often drawings of boats, flags, treasure, and other things can be found within the map. We began by tearing the edges of brown construction paper. Then students created a title for their map (The title could have their own name in it, or a fake pirate name). In the corner of the map, students drew a compass rose. Students then drew and named their islands. Finally, it was time for the fun stuff, the details. Students added treasure, ships, sea monsters, anchors, etc. Everything was then outlined with black marker. I had my students use oil pastels to color their map, but crayons would have worked too.

When students finished their maps, I had students crumple their maps to make it look old and crinkly. Students absolutely loved the crumpling part. I told them that this was the only time I would allow them to crumple their art.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cave Paintings, 4th Grade

I found this basic idea on Artolazzi. Except instead of focusing on Lascaux, I had my students look at cave paintings from the Anasazi Indians, which was an ancient Pueblo tribe in the Southwest of the United States.
I began by having the students tear the edges of the paper to make it look old. Then students drew a few simple hills and other symbols on their page. Students then made their own animal stencils. (I did allow students to share their stencils after they were made). Students used their stencils in two ways. First, they used chalk to outline a few of their animals. Second, students used sponge painting as a different way to use the stencil. Lastly, I used a spray bottle full of paint to put their hand prints on the page.

I did show students examples of cave paintings with hand prints on them. I don't know why the cave painters put hand prints on the wall, but my class theorized that maybe it was kind of like signing your art when its finished. I liked this explanation, but have no idea if that is the real reason or not.
For the most part, I really like the results. Next time, however, I will have them think more about placement of the stencils. Many of them became very random and cluttered. It would have been good for me to talk a little more about composition. Next time, I will perhaps talk about using their symbols and animals as a way to tell a story.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zoo, Pre-K

My Pre-K students just went to the zoo. They were so excited and wanted to tell me all about their trip. I know I just posted on a zoo project, but I thought I would share this variation on the same project. Basically, I had the students draw zoo animals. Then students used strips of paper and glued down for the bars for the cage.
These are Adorable!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Giant Alligators, 1st Grade

I found this idea on the Art Lessons blog a few days ago. I liked it so much that I thought I would try it with my students. I did make a few changes to the project. Instead of painting the alligator, I had the students use oil pastels.
We started with large green paper. Then I showed the students how to draw the alligator. I reminded them that the alligator should be Gigantic and should fill the entire sheet of paper. Students then decorated their alligators with fun designs and patterns. (They could draw poka dots, zig zags, stripes, hearts, wavy lines, etc.) Everything was drawn with oil pastels. At the very end, I had the students use blue and white paint to add some water at the bottom of the page.
I think this a great way to help students learn to draw big.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Zoo, Kindergarten

The little kindergartners just had a field trip to the zoo. They were so excited. When they got back, they wanted to tell me all about their trip. This was the perfect time to create zoo pictures.

This project was very simple. Basically, I had the students draw the animals they had seen at the zoo. Then I had the students outline all of their pencil lines in black marker. The coloring was done with oil pastels. Finally, students used yarn to lace the fence onto the drawing. The lacing was the hardest part. They needed a lot of instruction for this part.

A few days ago, I had planned to just do a zoo drawing with my students. The other day, I found the idea for the yarn part of this project on Mini Matisse, which was a perfect way to make the project a little more special. I just LOVE the results of this project.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bad Hair Day, 3rd Grade

This project was a lot of fun, and the kids liked it too. I began this lesson by teaching students the basic proportions of the human face. Then students drew crazy wild hair styles.
I did this project in two different ways. In the first class, I had them color them. In the second, I had them leave it black and white. I am partial to the black and white version. However, coloring was nice too.
Some of my students decided to hide things in the tangle of hair. One student actually put a rat crawling inside the hair. I thought that was incredibly creative. Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of that one. Next time I do this lesson, I may encourage students to hide things in the hair.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paper Mache Fish, 2nd Grade

I had been asked by the second grade teachers to do a paper mache project with the students. I had never done this before, because I generally have to get a project done from start to finish in one class. However, I made an exception in this case. This project was done in two classes instead of one, which still is not much time for paper mache.
On the first day, we took a balloon and taped on simple cardboard fins. Then we used strips of newspapers and dipped it into the paper mache. Because of my lack of budget, I just made the paper mache out of flour, water, and salt. Then we put a second layer on with colored tissue paper. This gives the fish some color right from the start.
We then left it to dry for about 3 days. On the second art day, we painted our fish. Mostly we focused on details. (They painted eyes, mouth, stripes, poka dots, gills, etc.).

I thought these turned out very cute. I just wish I could have had a couple more days for this project. It would have been nice if the students could have had more time to add unique details from the beginning. However, the second graders have told me that this was their favorite project EVER! I am always glad to hear that my students enjoyed a project.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Picasso Faces, Pre-K

For this lesson, I had my little Pre-K students look at many Picasso pictures. They all laughed at how silly his portraits looked.
For this project, I had the students draw their own silly Picasso faces. (Eyes could be lopsided, nose could be huge, mouth could be sideways, ect.). They all loved drawing these goofy faces. They drew with oil pastels first and then used watercolors to paint.

These are just adorable!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Music, 1st Grade

My first grade students have recently been learning about sound in science class. To tie into this, I had my students create music collages. To begin, we talked about how music has rhythm and movement. We brainstormed many ways to visually show rhythm in art (patterns, zig zags, spirals...).
I have done this project before with third grade, but it was fun to see what the first graders could do with it. Basically, students drew and cut out instruments on construction paper. Then students cut out simple shapes and symbols to show movement and rhythm. At the very end of class, I gave them oil pastels to add details.

I was incredibly impressed with these! They understood the idea of visual movement even better than I thought they would.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pirates and Vikings, 3rd Grade

My third grade students created these really awesome ships today. They had the choice of making either a Viking ship or a Pirate one. Before beginning, we compared and contrasted the difference between both types of ships. Generally, Viking ships had only one sail, while Pirate ships had many. Also, Viking ships often looked like a dragon, while Pirate ones did not. For this project, I had them use watercolors to paint ocean colors onto a piece of paper. While this paper was drying, we drew and cut out the boat. The sails were then cut out of scrap pieces of construction paper. By the time we finished the boat, our watercolor paper had mostly dried. We tore this paper into many pieces, and collaged them together to create the ocean. Everything was glued to a piece of construction paper. After everything had been glued, details were added using oil pastels.

I just think these turned out so cool! I just love the details some of them added at the end.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Starry Night, Kindergarten

Today, I had my Kindergartners look at Van Gogh's "Starry Night." For this project, we drew stars and a moon with oil pastels. I encouraged students to use warm colors (yellow, orange, red). Then students used watercolors to paint the sky. Lastly, students drew houses onto black paper. Students cut these out and glued them to their painting.
I can really see that these Kindergartners are almost ready for first grade. Their drawing and cutting skills have come a long way this year. I am so impressed with their art!