Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Paper Mache Totem Poles, 5th Grade

This art lesson was done in collaboration with the fifth grade classroom teacher.  A few weeks ago, a fifth grade teacher came to me and asked if I would be willing to create large totem poles out of oatmeal containers he collected.  I immediately loved the idea, but I only see my students for 30 minutes once a week, so I knew I would need his help on this one.  In order to accomplish this large project, the classroom teacher taught the students about the history of totem poles prior to coming
to art class.  He also was kind enough to stay in the art room and assist during the art lesson. This was very helpful, as paper mache is difficult to pull off in short 30 minute classes.   
This totem pole lesson took us 5 (30 minute) art classes to complete.  Students began with an oatmeal container and used cardboard, bottle caps, and paper towel rolls to create an animal.  Once this was created, students covered the entire thing with paper mache.  Lastly, students painted their creation. 
Once each animal was completed, I attached them together to create one large totem pole. The fifth grade teacher then had each student write a short essay about their work.  I think the results are amazing!