Monday, August 26, 2013

First Week Project

Last week was the first week of school, so I needed a simple easy lesson.  I found this wonderful lesson on Pinterest.  Unfortunately, I am unsure what blog or website it originally came from because it was pinned incorrectly. If this is your lesson, please let me know so I can give you proper credit.

For this lesson, I had each student create one 5 inch by 5 inch circle design.  The circles were simply cut out of construction paper, and glued to their square piece.  After the students created their designs, I hung them on the wall in the art room.  It certainly has brightened up my room!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

New School Year

The school year begins tomorrow, and my room is ready for the kids.  I am quite excited for the beginning of the school year because I am no longer a traveling art teacher.  Previously, I taught at three schools, and had almost 2,000 students.  This year, my principal decided he wanted a full time art teacher, so he used his school budget to buy out my position.  I am so excited to be stationed in one school and to see my students more regularly.  This year, I will see each class once a week for 35 minutes.  I have 28 classes and about 850 students.
 Looking forward to starting a new school year tomorrow, and hopefully there will be many new posts to come.