Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Recycled Robots, 1st Grade

I found this really great lesson on Deep Space Sparkle. This project was all about Recycling, and it was perfect because my students have been learning about being "Green" in Social Studies. The background was done by stamping with a Styrofoam cup. Students then used old pieces of cardboard to create a robot. This robot was then painted with gray paint. Lastly, students used bottle caps, foil, straws, and string to add details to their robots.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Styrofoam Printing, 5th Grade

I have been wanting to do a printmaking lesson for a long time, but have never had the opportunity until now. The brayers and ink are fairly pricey, and in the past I didn't have the budget for it. However, I received a grant last year, and with that money I bought printmaking supplies.
These are just basic Styrofoam prints. We drew onto styrofoam with a pencil, making sure to push hard enough to engrave into the styrofoam. We then printed this design four times onto a piece of white paper.
Overall, I think these turned out GREAT!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Music, 2nd Grade

I have done this lesson many times with many different grades. It is one of my favorites. For this lesson, we focus on Jazz music. I first have my students listen to jazz, and we discuss how music has rhythm and movement. We then discuss how artists can use lines and patterns to show movement and rhythm as well.Students begin by drawing and cutting out a guitar. Then, students cut out smaller shapes to add details and designs to their artwork. During the last ten minutes of class, I allow them to use oil pastels to add final details.