Friday, November 18, 2011

Hamburgers, Pre-K

I have done this lesson several times before, but never with my little Pre-K children. One day last week my art schedule was suddenly changed, and I found myself having to come up with a last minute lesson for my Pre-K children. Usually I spend a lot of time preparing lessons, especially for Pre-K, since they often need things cut ahead of time. When I began thinking about the things I had in my classroom, I remembered I had a lot of leftover cardboard, felt, and string, from last year's Hamburger lesson with my first graders. This was perfect because most of the materials were already cut to the right size. That is how this fun Pre-K project came to be; all I had to do was simplify my first grade lesson. In the quick 30 minutes before school started, I had created a last minute lesson that turned out really well.
Every few months, the Pre-K children focus on a specific theme. This month's is; My Five Senses. I think this lesson fit very well into that theme.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Scarecrows, 1st Grade

A few years ago, I found this cool lesson on Deep Space Sparkle, and I have done this lesson with my students many times. The background was done with oil pastels and watercolors. The the scarecrows were made with paper, yarn, and a popsicle stick.I think these are super cute!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Melted Crayons

Friday was Parent Teacher Conference day. This is a day that I enjoy every year, because as the art teacher, I have few conferences and can spend the day working in my room. This year I decided to experiment with old crayons. Recently, I have seen quite a few melted crayon ideas on Pinterest, and I decided it was time for me to try this.
This is really simple to do. Basically, I used a hot glue gun to attach crayons to the top of foam-core. Then I used a heat gun to melt the crayons. I have also heard that a hair dryer can melt the crayons too, it would just take a little longer.

Fall Bulletin Board

I love creating bulletin boards. Here is my fall bulletin board. I put this up about two weeks before Halloween.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I teach a Saturday clay class with kids between 5-9 nears old. I am horrible at remembering to take pictures of their work, but here are a couple photos I took last Saturday.

We've done a little bit of everything in this class, but the birds are my favorite. I found the idea for that lesson on Mrs. Pector's website.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall Still Life, 3rd Grade

These simple still lifes were made with oil pastels. We drew pumpkins, apples, and corn on white paper. I encouraged my students to experiment with blending analogous colors (colors next to each other on the color wheel). After this, these were cut out and glued to construction paper. I think these turned out rather well.