Thursday, June 16, 2011

Finished Bottle Cap Mural

The bottle cap mural is finished, and I just LOVE it. This one is hanging in the school hallway.
My students worked extremely hard on this mural, so they were very excited to see it hanging in the hallway. It looks awesome!
Here is a closeup of the mural. We certainly used a lot of caps for this project. This was such a fun way to recycle.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bottle Cap Mural #2

It's the last week of school, but I am still trying to finish a few projects. I know I recently posted on the bottle cap murals my students have been creating, and this is our second mural. This one was inspired after Van Gogh's Starry Night. Today three fifth grade classes worked on this mural, and tomorrow, I plan to have a few students finish it up. I will post another picture when it is completely done. I am extremely excited to see how this one turns out.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sidewalk Drawing

Over the weekend I went to an arts festival. The best part of this festival was the Sidewalk Drawing Contest. There were absolutely amazing chalk drawings there. Here is the one I created.
I did not win the contest, but it certainly was fun to create.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wizard of OZ

Every year our music teacher puts on a play with the elementary students. This play is a big deal, and is a major fundraiser for the school. The children have to try out, and practice every day after school. For the past two years, I have volunteered to do the scenery for the play. This is a huge undertaking on my part. During the last two weeks, I have spent many hours after school painting. The scenery certainly came alive during the performance. Here a few photos I took during the performance. Sorry, they are a little fuzzy. My camera doesn't take good photos in the dark.
The costumes were wonderful, and the student did a wonderful job.